[cp-global] List of all country wikis

Moritz moritz at headstrong.de
Wed Mar 5 09:39:41 GMT 2014

On 03/05/2014 09:32 AM, Samuel Carlisle wrote:
>> If you click a country, it should take you to the respective
>> country wiki. In the demo, it only shows a message so you can
>> 'safely play around'.
> Nice demo Mo- this is a great proof of concept. Hmm I think we can do
> colours / graphs in leaflet.js too which would integrate nicely with
> current build: http://leafletjs.com/examples/choropleth.html
> thoughts?

It's somewhat "the same" as the event calendar map, and it would be
nice to just have one map where you could both see the events and
go to the country wikis (or mailing lists), yes.

Maybe we should do: one click on empty spot opens menu where you
select Open Country Wiki/Page or Add New Event. And color the countries
depending on some "activity factor". Number of mailing list posts?

For anyone interested, we're talking about http://beta.cryptoparty.in/
as a potential landing page for cryptoparty.org (currently with a wrong
cert, I know. It's just the beta site! :-)


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